Saturday, February 28, 2009

Day 59 - Looking for the Sun


I am looking for the sun so I can wear my cool sunglasses! Instead of buying a new bathing suit (gave those up years ago) I now treat myself to so awesome looking shades.


gabs-art said...

wow - so cool!

amson said...

What a great reflection in your shades. Clever photo!

Petra said...

love these shades...yeah bring on the sun!!

Unknown said...

Cool pic with the reflection!

~*Jennifer*~ said...

Very cool sunglasses! I wish I could just go out and buy sunglasses whenever I want but I wear glasses so I just have clip-ons. :(

Susan said...

These do look cool and a great color. Hope you have lots of sunshine.

Francie said...

Cool shades! Hope the sun will come out today over here!

bentonflocke said...

I´ll cross my fingers for sun so you can wear your cool glasses