Saturday, February 14, 2009

Day 45 - Box Full of Fun & Challenged

How many times have you bought something for a child and they have more fun playing with the box than the toy?? These pictures are proof that it is true a box is loads of fun.




Isaac played with the box most of the day until he turned it the other way and sat on it. Well the box had had enough and it went flat, I guess Isaac wasn't happy that the box didn't work anymore, lol.

Tami of Tamara's 365 Challenge 2009 challenged me. Thanks Tami!
The rules are as follows:
Go to your photo folder in your computer.
Go to the 6th folder of the photos.
Go to the sixth picture.
Put the picture on your blog and description of it.
Invite six friends to join the challenge.
Here are my six friends I asked to join in the challenge

Ok, this was the sixth folder and the sixth photo in that folder. If you have figured out by now I love taking pictures of flowers. Have an awesome Valentines Day!!



Anonymous said...

ROFLOL - How cute! And I agree - they have more fun with the boxes. :)
Happy Valentine's Day!

gabs-art said...

that's awesome! I remember my kids doing that and it was always so fun. also they are still loving spongebob LOL

Bling - our elf on the shelf said...

Great shots, looks like he is having a lot of fun :)

Anonymous said...

What fun kids can have with an empty box! I remember mine doing that. These are great shots and he's adorable!

~*Jennifer*~ said...

LOVE that last picture! So funny! LOL He's a cutie :) Happy Valentine's Day!

Anne C said...

Amazing pictures!!

Unknown said...

So true - great series of pics.

Unknown said...

so cute pics! I like it!

Kerri said...

Aww, so cute, my kids love the boxes best too! Love the shot of him from above! Thanks for the fun challenge, I forgot tonight, I'll try to remember tomorrow!
Cu then

amson said...

My DD's always loved playing with boxes! This really brings back memories!

Anonymous said...

HIHI this pictures are so sweet .. my kids love spongbob too :O)