Just wanted you to know that I have moved my blog to a new location which you can find
HERE. Thanks for stopping by.
Friday, March 20, 2009
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Day 78 - Just a Drop

Wow, is this hard to do!! I learned some things and I think next time I might have better luck getting a picture of a drop of water. It was fun trying this but I have blue food coloring all over my fingers, lol. One of my cake colorings had a leak and it was everywhere in the container I had them stored in.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Day 77 - Turn it On
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Day 76 - Roll and Rolls and Rolls Wire

Now would you in your wildest dreams think that rolls of wire could be that colorful. Neither did I until strolling down the rows of merchandise at "Menards". It is a brand new combo hardware, landscaping, DIY place. It is huge!!!
I am having trouble getting into DST, I just get a blank page anyone else having trouble? Anyway because I can't get in there I can't post this in the forum. I had trouble late last night so I couldn't go blog hopping.
Monday, March 16, 2009
Day 75 - Rose a Day
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Day 74 - Bark

We have two huge trees in our front yard that are around 70 ft tall. Every time the winds really blow hard we pray they will stay up there. We want to get them cut down and plant a better, stronger tree but they want around $3000.00 to cut them down. That isn't in our budget right now though. They have some great bark which makes for some great textures so that is my picture for today.
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Day 73 - Bokeh

I was so excited today because I finally figured out how to do a bokeh photo.
If you don't know what I'm talking about you can read about it here on Pioneer Woman's blog
she explains and tells you how to do it. Having just a point & shoot camera I had a little harder time figuring out how to do it, but I did!!
The lights behind the fairy are on my Thomas Kinkade wreath just in case you are wondering what the light are from.
Friday, March 13, 2009
Day 72 - Moon Going To Bed
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Day 71- Sharing

I guess pets are no different that humans when it comes to sharing. This is something that is really hard for us. it is something that does not come natural, it must be learned. It is in our human nature to be selfish so we must work hard to over come this. I have met many generous individuals through the years but there are those you meet in life that everything has to be centered on them. Obviously they did not learn the lesson about sharing.
I hope that you have!!!
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Day 70 - Playing with Light

I'm thinking of submitting a photo in a contest for pets so today I needed to work on that. So I had Lexie by our patio doors where the morning light is coming in putting nice highlights on her fur. This isn't one I would submit but I love the light catching the different colors of her fur. She is a light chaser and the light was reflecting off my camera screen so she was looking at the light on the carpet.

I really like how the light was reflecting on this one and I think this is the one I will submit. What do you think?
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Day 69 - Topaz

This little angel is so nice to use as a model so I used it again today. The stone in this necklace was first given to me by a friend who cut it himself. I had it made into a ring which was way to large for my hand so I later had it reset into this necklace. It is a beautiful smoky Topaz which is my birth stone.
Monday, March 9, 2009
Day 68 - Engagment Ring
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Day 67 - Kingwood Center
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Day 66 - Who Me?

When I was taking pictures the other day Lexie just had to have hers taken too. When ever I get out the camera she has to see what is going on. So she posed really nice for this one.
Yesterday was a bust after I went to the eye doctor it took forever for my eyes to get back to not being dilated. My pupils where huge, I should have taken a picture of that to show you but didn't think of it until just now. So there was no computer work until they got back to normal as the light hurt my eyes to much.
Friday, March 6, 2009
Day 65 - Logos
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Day 64 - Drawing Companion
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Day 63 - Lunch

Here is another picture from yesterdays lunch at Panera's. It was really yummy, I tried the chicken soup and a new sandwich "Chicken Bacon Dijon" Panini. I really liked it alot and the soup was so good. I am feeling much better today no more headache!!
So maybe I now can get creative again, it so saps my creative flow when you get a migraine.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Day 62 - Tea & Pop

A quick picture with my cell phone as I was coming off a migraine today. My dh took me out for lunch to help me feel better. I feel better today but last night was the worse I ever had, made a quick after hours trip to my chiropractor and again today. So I'm feeling much better now, I just hope we can figure out what is causing them.
Monday, March 2, 2009
Day 61 - Your Lipstick Personality

My photo of the day is my lipstick, it is the flat top one. I have been to tight to go get another one yet but I will have to do it soon as I'm getting tired of applying my lipstick with a lip brush.
Do you know your lipstick personality? I went to a ladies retreat one time and I found out what mine was. It is amazing how accurate it was too, this is mine:
Slant Tip Personality Profile
Abides by the rules
Great follower
Does not like too much attention
A little self-conscious
Somewhat reserved
Likes a schedule
May occasionally color hair to attract attention
If you would like to see what your lipstick personality is you can check it out here and tell me how accurate is yours.
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Day 60 - Hands

Wow, I never feel older until I look at my hands. In this picture they remind me of my Mothers hands. I guess that is a good thing since I fond memories of all the times she wiped away my tears, cleaned up my boo boo's, cooked meals for us, washed clothes and hung them out on the line in the backyard and so many more memories than I want to list here.
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